"...dan boleh jadi kamu benci akan sesuatu, sedang ia lebih baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu kasihi akan sesuatu, sedang ia melarat bagimu. Dan Allah mengetahui, tetapi kamu tiada mengetahui"
(Al Baqarah:216)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ia Datang Lagi

Ia datang lagi
ku tidak pernah menjemputnya
aku tidak pernah teringin untuk menjemputnya

ia tetap datang
tanpa kebenaran
tidak peduli sama ada aku suka,
atau tidak suka
tidak peduli sama ada dengan jemputan
atau tanpa jemputan,

Ia tetap datang
aku tidak mampu menghalang
aku tidak mampu melawan
aku hanya menghadapi
dalam ketewasan

Ia datang lagi
menziarah ku
ketika jiwa dan perasaan tidak keruan

ia memang begitu
sentiasa datang
bila tahu aku berperasaan begitu

aku mahu menolaknya jauh-jauh
membuangnya jauh-jauh
namun hingga ke hari ini
ia tetap datang
dan aku tidak berjaya melawannya...

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia (in-SOM-ne-ah) is a common condition in which you have trouble falling or staying asleep. This condition can range from mild to severe, depending on how often it occurs and for how long.

Insomnia can be chronic (ongoing) or acute (short-term). Chronic insomnia means having symptoms at least 3 nights a week for more than a month. Acute insomnia lasts for less time.

Some people who have insomnia may have trouble falling asleep. Other people may fall asleep easily but wake up too soon. Others may have trouble with both falling asleep and staying asleep.

As a result, insomnia may cause you to get too little sleep or have poor-quality sleep. You may not feel refreshed when you wake up.


There are two types of insomnia. The most common type is called secondary or comorbid insomnia. This type of insomnia is a symptom or side effect of some other problem.

More than 8 out of 10 people who have insomnia are believed to have secondary insomnia. Certain medical conditions, medicines, sleep disorders, and substances can cause secondary insomnia.

In contrast, primary insomnia isn't due to a medical problem, medicines, or other substances. It is its own disorder. A number of life changes can trigger primary insomnia, including long-lasting stress and emotional upset.

Insomnia can cause excessive daytime sleepiness and a lack of energy. It also can make you feel anxious, depressed, or irritable. You may have trouble focusing on tasks, paying attention, learning, and remembering. This can prevent you from doing your best at work or school.

Insomnia also can cause other serious problems. For example, you may feel drowsy while driving, which could lead to an accident.


Secondary insomnia often resolves or improves without treatment if you can stop its cause—especially if you can correct the problem soon after it starts. For example, if caffeine is causing your insomnia, stopping or limiting your intake of the substance may cause your insomnia to go away.

Lifestyle changes, including better sleep habits, often help relieve acute insomnia. For chronic insomnia, your doctor may recommend a type of counseling called cognitive-behavioral therapy or medicines.

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