"...dan boleh jadi kamu benci akan sesuatu, sedang ia lebih baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu kasihi akan sesuatu, sedang ia melarat bagimu. Dan Allah mengetahui, tetapi kamu tiada mengetahui"
(Al Baqarah:216)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kaji Jangan Tak Kaji!!

Caj khidmat PTPTN dikaji semula

MELAKA 23 April – Caj perkhidmatan sebanyak tiga peratus yang dikenakan ke atas para pelajar yang membuat pinjaman dengan Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Negara (PTPTN) akan dikaji semula bagi memberikan keselesaan kepada peminjamnya.

Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Idris Haron berkata, caj perkhidmatan itu bukan faedah pinjaman seperti yang dikenakan institusi kewangan komersial.

“Ia hanyalah caj untuk pengurusan. Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin ada menyuarakan cadangan untuk mengkaji semula caj sebanyak tiga peratus ini,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Forum Rangkaian Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Dengan Industri di sini hari ini.

Idris enggan mengulas sama ada caj tersebut akan dikurangkan atau dinaikkan. Bagaimanapun, beliau percaya sebarang keputusan kerajaan berhubung isu itu akan memberi keselesaan kepada peminjam PTPTN.

Bilangan peminjam PTPTN di seluruh Malaysia berjumlah 1.2 juta manakala dana yang terkumpul pada masa ini ialah RM23 bilion.

Isu caj PTPTN mula diperkatakan persatuan-persatuan pelajar sejak setahun lalu.

Menurut Idris, caj perkhidmatan dikenakan bagi memastikan perbadanan itu mempunyai wang yang mencukupi untuk menampung pinjaman pelajar lain pada masa depan.

“PTPTN sebenarnya tidak mempunyai sumber kewangan. Perbadanan itu mendapatkan wang daripada pembiaya dan pihak pembiaya telah mengenakan pelbagai caj kepada kerajaan termasuk caj kewangan.

“Tetapi semua caj tersebut ditanggung oleh kerajaan dan bukan dibebankan kepada peminjam. PTPTN hanya mengenakan caj tiga peratus bayaran untuk perkhidmatan dan caj itu bukan riba,” kata beliau.

Baru-baru beberapa peminjam PTPTN menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati kerana perbadanan itu mengenakan caj sebanyak tiga peratus daripada jumlah pinjaman yang perlu dibayar semula selepas mereka tamat pengajian di universiti.

Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) pula menuntut PTPTN mewujudkan panel syariah kerana terdapat dakwaan yang mengaitkan caj tersebut sebagai amalan riba yang bertentangan dengan Islam.

PTPTN ditubuhkan di bawah Akta Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional 1997 yang mula berkuat kuasa pada 1 Julai 1997. Perbadanan itu beroperasi sejak 1 November 1997.












Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Selamat Menyambut Hari Bumi

How the First Earth Day Came About
By Senator Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day

What was the purpose of Earth Day? How did it start? These are
the questions I am most frequently asked.

Actually, the idea for Earth Day evolved over a period of seven years starting in 1962. For several years, it had been troubling me that the state of our environment was simply a non-issue in the politics of the country. Finally, in November 1962, an idea occurred to me that was, I thought, a virtual cinch to put the environment into the political "limelight" once and for all. The idea was to persuade President Kennedy to give visibility to this issue by going on a national conservation tour. I flew to Washington to discuss the proposal with Attorney General Robert Kennedy, who liked the idea. So did the President. The President began his five-day, eleven-state conservation tour in September 1963. For many reasons the tour did not succeed in putting the issue onto the national political agenda. However, it was the germ of the idea that ultimately flowered into Earth Day.

I continued to speak on environmental issues to a variety of audiences in some twenty-five states. All across the country, evidence of environmental degradation was appearing everywhere, and everyone noticed except the political establishment. The environmental issue simply was not to be found on the nation's political agenda. The people were concerned, but the politicians were not.

After President Kennedy's tour, I still hoped for some idea that would thrust the environment into the political mainstream. Six years would pass before the idea that became Earth Day occurred to me while on a conservation speaking tour out West in the summer of 1969. At the time, anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, called "teach-ins," had spread to college campuses all across the nation. Suddenly, the idea occurred to me - why not organize a huge grassroots protest over what was happening to our environment?

I was satisfied that if we could tap into the environmental concerns of the general public and infuse the student anti-war energy into the environmental cause, we could generate a demonstration that would force this issue onto the political agenda. It was a big gamble, but worth a try.

At a conference in Seattle in September 1969, I announced that in the spring of 1970 there would be a nationwide grassroots demonstration on behalf of the environment and invited everyone to participate. The wire services carried the story from coast to coast. The response was electric. It took off like gangbusters. Telegrams, letters, and telephone inquiries poured in from all across the country. The American people finally had a forum to express its concern about what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes, and air - and they did so with spectacular exuberance. For the next four months, two members of my Senate staff, Linda Billings and John Heritage, managed Earth Day affairs out of my Senate office.

Five months before Earth Day, on Sunday, November 30, 1969, The New York Times carried a lengthy article by Gladwin Hill reporting on the astonishing proliferation of environmental events:

"Rising concern about the environmental crisis is sweeping the nation's campuses with an intensity that may be on its way to eclipsing student discontent over the war in Vietnam...a national day of observance of environmental problems...is being planned for next spring...when a nationwide environmental 'teach-in'...coordinated from the office of Senator Gaylord Nelson is planned...."

It was obvious that we were headed for a spectacular success on Earth Day. It was also obvious that grassroots activities had ballooned beyond the capacity of my U.S. Senate office staff to keep up with the telephone calls, paper work, inquiries, etc. In mid-January, three months before Earth Day, John Gardner, Founder of Common Cause, provided temporary space for a Washington, D.C. headquarters. I staffed the office with college students and selected Denis Hayes as coordinator of activities.

Earth Day worked because of the spontaneous response at the grassroots level. We had neither the time nor resources to organize 20 million demonstrators and the thousands of schools and local communities that participated. That was the remarkable thing about Earth Day. It organized itself.

Foto: Lubang Ozon (Dari NASA)

Sembang Gusti: Beyond The Mat (2)

Yes this is entertainment
the hazard was real......

The Professor of Funk U
The Hardcore Icon...

(Not the Fake ECW which u have seen in TV today !!!)

Sama-sama saksikan bahagian ke 2 clip ini:

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sembang Gusti: Pakat-Pakat

Bagi anda yang agak keberatan untuk percaya bahawa dalam gusti ada story line, itu terpulang kepada anda

Masing masing ada hak terhadap kepercayaan masing-masing

Tuan-tuan tentu masih Ingat pada Brock Lesnar

Ya Brock lesnar "The Next Big Thing" yang merupakan juara WWE sebanyak 3 kali. Yang Muncul dengan momentum yang amat tinggi dengan menewaskan semua pencabar termasuklah dari katagori "Main Eventer" dengan penangan "F5" nya

Beliay tiba-tiga jadi jagoan yang amat hebat dan tidak mampu ditewaskan oleh sesiapa sahaja...

Nah ...itu satu story line yang biasa dalam dunia gusti.

Gusti based pada popularity...tentu ada niche pada seseorang penggusti yang boleh dijual pada audien untuk menjadikan penggusti tersebut mendapat tumpuan tinggi dari penonton.

Kemudian selepas Wrestlemanis 20, setelah tewas kepada Goldberg dalam perlawanan yang paling buruk beliau menghilangkan diri dari dunia gusti atas alasan mencari sukan yang lebih "Real"

Belau mencuba dalam arean Bolasepak Amerika (American Football" tetapi gagal dan seterusnya ke Jepun sehinggalah menjuarai IWGP Heavyweight Champion sebelum tewas kepada Kurt Angle..

Selaps itu beliau mula menceburi arena MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) sehinggalah membawa kepada kemunculannya (Debut) pada UFC 81 yang lalu...

Anda Kenal Frank Mir???

Tak ramai tahu nama ini kecuali anda pengikut setia UFC..

Jika diikutkan Lesnar lebih terkenal berbanding Mir. Malah tidak dinafikan bahawa kemunculannya telah menaikkan rating UFC 81. Namun akhirnya beliau tewas dalam masa tidak sampai 3 minit..


Kerana bukan seperti gusti, UFC adalah sukan sebenar yang tiada storyline....

Sama-sama saksikan:

Momentum !!!

Kata kawan saya:

" kita perlu terus bekerja. Kalau kita telah berehat lama, sukar untuk kita kekalkan momentum yang ada"

apa itu momentum???

Momentum refers to moving things. It is a product of the mass of an object and its velocity. Momentum is why the driver of a car applies the brake to stop the car rather than just taking his foot off the accelerator. The car has gathered momentum and will continue to move forward after the driver stops accelerating it.
The greater the mass of the object, the more the momentum. It is harder to stop a large tractor trailer than it is a small compact car. Freight trains take much longer to stop than a short passenger train.

momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum
momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum
momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum
momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum momentum


Sembang Gusti: Beyond The Mat (1)

Sembang Gusti kembali Lagi....

Anda Peminat Gusti?

Kalau setakat peminat biasa saya tak kisah

Tetapi kalau anda sentiasa menunggu Monday Night Raw dan Thursday Night Smackdown, Thursday Night Impact atau setidak tidaknya sentiasa melayari wwe.com dan juga tnawrestling.com serta saban pagi membaca halaman seperti ewrestlingnews.com dan tidak ketinggalan sentiasa download "peet-to-peer' samada menggunakan enjin kazzzlite mahupun ares untuk mencari siri-siri Pay Per View yang terbaru mungkin anda dah kena penyakit 'Die Hard Fan"

Walau begitu anda tak perlu khuatir kerana anda rupa-rupanya senasib dengan saya

Namun yang paling penting yang paling penting anda perlu tahu bahawa Gusti itu bukan sukan 100%. Saya pernah tuliskan beberapa perkara yang perlu anda tahu tentang gusti. Antaranya ialah gimmick dan storyline...

Tak Percaya????

Saya beri anda tonton clip ini.

Ini adalah clip dari dokumentari "Beyond The Mat" yang amat kontroversi dalam dunia gusti...

Setidak-tidaknya ada 9 clip semuanya....mana yang saya mampu saya sertakan utnuk anda..
jika saya tak larat lagi pandai-pandailah anda cari sendiri di internet...



All of us do battle with our own personal demons. Most of us manage if not to get the upper hand, to at least keep them under control. A few of us struggle with them on a daily basis, and fewer still lose the battle and become lost in their own personal hell. No one seems to share the same sets of personal demons in their lives, some may share problem, but most of us have our own unique total set of problems in our life that we struggle with almost every day.

We also are not very understanding of other people’s battles with personal demons that torment them. For example, it is hard for a woman with a model’s figure to have anyone take her serious when she says she battles constant cravings for chocolate cake, or candy bars. In the same light, it is hard for someone in a bar downing their third bottle of beer, to find someone to feel sorry for them when they say they can not control their drinking.

I find it odd that we are so quick to judge others for not being able to control those desires that attempt to run their lives, but we expect to the world to rally behind us and help us with our daily struggles. The irony of this thinking is it is almost like Moses parting a Sea of desire, but with unhealthy desires on one side of the dry land pathway, and our own demon driven desires on the other. We tend to rationalize our desires and cravings as being more serious than the cravings and desires of others.

I imagine if we looked deep into our self, we would find that we have passions and wants that drive us just as hard, but they are what most people see as healthy desires. Because they are seen as healthy, we give into them easily, and do not spend a lot of time thinking about how hard it would be not to give into them.

The gauge we use as a serious meter for fighting with our own personal demons is rather weighted also. For example pretend there is an addiction group of some type meeting in a room right now. It is a non specific addiction group, and open to anyone with an addiction. There may be several different people with as many addictions or personal demons present. One person may be at the far end of a serious drug addiction, another may have root beer flavored hard candy addiction, one may be a porn addict, and a fourth may have an eating problem. They all would be there battling their own personal demons of addiction, but with ourselves looking in from the outside, would be quick to rate and judge the degree of seriousness of each persons separate addiction.

Generally we would rate the drug addict as the most serious person in need, and the root beer hard candy eater as something trivial and probably not to be taken seriously. We do this because we rarely judge someone’s addiction on the level of pain it is causing in a life. Rather we rate the seriousness of an addiction on how it affects a person’s life, health and well being. Yet in reality, all the people in the group are suffering in their own hell, all with about the same level of torment in their day to day lives.

Of course when we get right down to comparing addiction or personal demons that torment our daily lives, almost no one has an addictions are as serious as our own. Other people suffering from their addictions can stop them any time they wish. Our personal demons on the other hand are more serious and take much more effort to control.

If only life really worked like that…we would have a handful of people with serious problems caused by their addictions, and it would be much easier to focus attention on those few people. In the mean time, I am going to continue struggling with the demons my life that haunt me because they are much more serious than everyone else’s. If you do not think my personal addictions are more serious than those of others, just ask. Of course anyone else with the same answer is probably lying….

(DIPETIK DARI: http://venagozar.com/2008/04/20/personal-demons-tormenting-our-life/)

I am still fighting my personal demons...

Foto: Sekadar Gambar Hiasan....

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sebuah Harapan atau Hanya Khayalan ???

"Berangkatlah kamu baik dalam keadaan merasa ringan ataupun berat"
(At Taubah: 41)

Blog Tok Ali

Mungkin kerana pelbagai penemuan yang dibuat oleh pelbagai agensi penyelidikan telah menyimpulkan bahawa salah satu punca utama kekalahan teruk Barisan Nasional semasa PRU ke 12 ialah kemelesetan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap Media Arus Utama (Main Stream) sebaliknya rakyat lebih mempercayai blog blog yang dilihat lebih adil dan telus...

Mungkin kerana bersetuju dengan rumusan tersebut ataupu untuk membuktikan bahawa beliau juga seorang penulis blog yang tersohor maka YAB Dato Seri Mohd Ali Rustam A.K.A Tok Ali A.K.A Bakal TPM dari Melaka telah menyedia dan mengendalikan blognya sendiri

Mungkin blog beliau merupakan cetusan ide dan pemikiran beliau. maklumlah, sebagai Naib Presiden UMNO tentulah beliau ingin menonjolkan kehebatan pemikiran beliau.

Aku tak baca pun blog beliau cuma terpandang satu cetusan entri beliau tentang Babi di Selangor...

Sambil menghirup nescafe panas dalam kedinginan malam , aku ketawa terbahak-bahak kerana memang sah beliau ahli politik...

apa tidaknya

Isu babi di melaka yang beliau sendiri perintah masih tidak selesai tetapi masih gatal mulut membuat komen tentang isu babi di Selangor...

bak kata pepatah jiran sebelah rumah kawan aku:

"Seperti mentertawakan orang lain yang berak dalam seluar sedangkan diri sendiri terkincit tidak pula perasan"

blog Tok Ali ialah: http://mohdalirustam.blogspot.com/


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sembang Politik: Segalanya Berkemungkinan !!!

aku terkejut...panas...
bukan kerana kepedasan masak lomak cili api di Seromban hari ini tetapi....


baca sajalah petikan dari blog Roslan SMS (http://n32.blogspot.com/) ini:

Semoga Sang Kelembai mampu menyelamatkan Umno

Seorang rakan memaklumkan saya berkenaan suatu artikel dalam KL Pos berkenaan kenalan saya Sang Kelembai atau Zaharin Md Yasin.Kata beliau blogger Sang Kelembai telah konar baring di Kota Kinabalu. Dalam keadaan percaya tak percaya saya segera melayari KL Pos. Kemudian saya baru teringat yang MSO juga berada di Kota Kinabalu, untuk membuat liputan kunjungan Dolah ke sana.

Apabila melayari Merah Tinta MSO, saya lihat sendiri 3 gambar yang dipost oleh MSO menunjukkan aksi Sang Kelembai bersama Dollah ( 1 darinya saya turunkan di sini). MSO turut merakamkan apa yang diucapkan oleh Sang Kelembai semasa mengucup tangan Dollah di Lapangan Terbang KK itu:

Pak Lah saya akan berama Pak Lah di saat Pak Lah diserang. Pak Lah kita berkawan. Pak Lah teruskan perjuangan! Saya tetap bersama Pak Lah. Saya berjanji!

namun...dalam politik...seperti lagi Zainal Abidin (Headwind)...SEGALANYA BERKEMUNGKINAN......